21 – 30

I work on a wide range of projects almost simultaneously and over long periods – some like (13) Fingertip power since early childhood, (06) Ascending and descending for over forty years, (14) Perpetual motion for at least thirty years. None are completed or ever will be, my intention is to continually explore these rich veins; occasionally, a piece of artwork is born out of the process.

This way of working makes perfect sense to me although some may think it a chaotic and unstructured. As my intention is to communicate and engage with others, explaining what I do is important to me, so I have given each project a series name, number and I have organised them into groups.

These projects are not yet in a group – (11) Gallery Collection, everyone enjoys collecting, with some it is only the ethereal with others it is more physical. (27) Curated spaces, there is a long tradition of artists being inspired by gardens. (28) Cul-De-Sac, certain scenes, and situations affect us in strange ways. (32) Close-Up, the idea of the close-up has fascinated artists and the public alike for centuries.

The current groups are –

Reflecting relationships #reflectingrelationships

Reflecting Relationships is a body of work that is based around how we react to each other, our surroundings and how we make sense of what we find.

Reflecting relationships – projects in this group are (02) Shifting tides, the North Norfolk coast, shifting tides and places; (04) A different kind of truth, reinterpreting myths to fit a modern life; (05) Capturing a likeness, more than mere paint on canvas; (12) What lies at the core, exploring themes of birth, discovery, power and fate; (19) Signs of fertility, bring to life these ancient statues; (33) Tableaux of dreams, living dreams and understanding life.

Projections #projections

Projections, innate and vital signs of power is a series of work clustered around the idea of manipulating power, controlling it and also making objects and signs imbued with mystical powers.

Projections – projects in this group are (08) Relics and reliquaries, devotional objects in Seville’s magnificent cathedral sparked this idea; (09) Memory Theatre, a store of worldly knowledge; (13) Fingertip power, dials, switches and flickering screen controlling powerful forces; (14) Perpetual motion, thinking about a journey without a beginning or end; (18) Labyrinths of the mind, are games just metaphors for life?; (20) Annunciation of the maiden, what did quattrocento painters want to hide?; (30) Symbols of defiance, the power and protection of marks and symbols; (03) Learning from the masters, techniques of great artist.

Sense of place #senseofplace

This is a body of work that is concerned with being a spectator within a structure and evaluating what you see around you. This can be both figurative and abstract, static and moving. Places shares themes with other series such as Shifting Tides.

Sense of place – projects in this group are (15) Path to a higher plane, Monte Catria, Dante was inspired by this mountain and so was I; (21) Seeing in the dark, clashing colours, a labyrinth of red & green walls; (22) Journey through a green landscape, a journey through this rocky costal region produced a satisfying sequence of paintings; (23) Ancient structures, an ancient town with many steps, stairways and alleys waiting to be explored and painted; (24) Mythical seascapes, distant islands appear to float above cerulean seas, the haze flattens any sense of distance or perspective; (25) Separate identities, are both an ancient landscape and an extremity – a destination, not a thoroughfare, a fascinating subject for artists; (34) Ancient civilisations, there is a feeling of otherness bordering on sadness about Sicily which makes artist of all kinds feel at home; (26) Faith fortified produced four paintings, each one emphasising a different aspect of this charming Italian mountain village.

Shapes and landscapes #shapesandlandscapes

Shapes and Landscapes is a series of work that endeavours to explain my synesthetic visual perception of the world around me.

Shapes and landscapes – projects in this group are (06) Ascending and descending, they have always fascinated me with their suspense and surprise; (07) Natural Forms, the challenge of using Natural Forms as a starting point for abstracts is that they are never still; (16) Weathered landscape, trying to capture this landscape without taming it provides an intriguing challenge. (35) Reflections and refractions, reflections open up many possibilities for abstract shapes; (36) Time and tide, well rounded physical structures make satisfying shapes; (37) Connecting, interlocking, anchored at each end bridges defy gravity; (38) Elevated plains, flat plains in elevated positions make interesting geometry; (39) Dark havens, there are many types of valley which encourages experimentation; (40) Structural curves, arches have gentle curves and key stones that hold the structure in place.

Natural Inspirations #naturalinspirations

Natural Inspirations is a body of work that is concerned with the wonderful variety of shape, colour, size and texture the natural world offer the artist.

Natural Inspirations – projects in this group are (10) Ever-changing seasons, looking closely at the continual cycle of birth, growth, maturity and death; (17) Sole survivors, focusing on the endless variety in our woodlands and forests, constantly changing in their appearance throughout the year; (31) A signature of time, looking at the shape, structure and texture of a variety of species in varying stages of growth and decay; (01) All that glitters, telling the story of the earth’s origins through their faceted shapes and multiple forms, from tiny gemstones to imposing granite rock faces; and (29) The source of abstraction, focusing on the boundary between flora and fauna, such as a fungus that resembles flesh, or a shell that takes on the appearance of a human ear.