All that I Know 01

#tableauxofdreams – exploring other avenues 01

I am about to embark on a new body of work, ‘All that I know’. Although that’s slightly misleading, because I have felt this idea wriggling around in my head for quite some time. To be more precise, I think I am about to put pen to paper.

This is my chaotic workspace, many things happening at once [Cat: 33 TABLEAU OF DREAMS 01]

Chateau Fort de Pirou

Chateau Fort de Pirou – Besieged by the Viking Normans, the Lord of Pirou and his family turned themselves into geese using an old spell in order to escape. When the geese returned, they tried to reverse the spell, but the secret had been burnt with along the castle, and so wild geese have returned to the region each year since then.

Another batch

#naturalforms – fluid sculpture 07

The band clamp in action holding the frames together until the glue sets. There are advantages to making your own frames, for me, it gives me time to think about the paintings.

NATURAL FORMS wp004 frame making
NATURAL FORMS wp004 frame making

Clamps hold the frames [Cat: 07 NATURAL FORMS 004]

A still heart

#sourceofabstraction – the boundary between 01

Click on the image to see it in more detail [Cat: 17 SOURCE OF ABSTRACTION 01]
This heart-shaped hollow in this old tree trunk with the sinews of the form flowing around it make it a perfect subject for inspiration. There is depth and detail within the hollow and s prig of new life emerging from the heart of the old.