Crafting a colour!

Thank you to Little Greene paints, I’ve been crafting my own pallet.

Crafting a colour! Thank you to Little Greene paints, I’ve been crafting my own pallet.

Finding the perfect combination from their range of colours, I’ve created unique formulas that I can repeat throughout my work.

more in the scrapbook archive

Quick research 01

#capturingalikeness – observation and perception 01

Walking round the National Gallery while thinking about my portrait project, I snapped these close-ups of paintings I liked, selecting them for their range of styles and treatments. Live models would have been used by the artists in all cases, but in some, only as a starting point.

Female head in white turban: Detail, The Concert by Hendrick ter Brugghen [Cat: (05) CAPTURING A LIKENESS 017]

A messy job

#naturalforms – fluid sculpture 03

I cannot work without wearing gloves, no matter how careful I am I always end up covered in paint, so I wear these vinyl gloves, which in this case have turned themselves into an artwork.

The right hand. [Cat: 07 NATURAL FORMS 012]

Decorative and Structural

#structuralcurves – noble grandeur 01

This doorway on Lincoln Cathedral’s north side is a feast of decorative arches and curves that build an illusion of great depth while drawing the eye ever upwards. Only the door openings are structural, while the two outer arches elegantly fill what would otherwise have been a blank wall.

Arches within arches [Cat: (40) STRUCTURAL CURVES 61]


#Cul-De-Sac – no way out 01

These fake windows are in the boundary wall of what was the Ealing Asylum, intended purely as decoration on an otherwise blank wall. One wonders what was on the reverse.

Blank walls decorated with windows [Cat: (28) CUL-DE-SAC 002]