Quick research 03

#capturingalikeness – observation and perception 03

Walking round the National Gallery while thinking about my portrait project, I snapped these close-ups of paintings I liked, selecting them for their range of styles and treatments. Live models would have been used by the artists in all cases, but in some, only as a starting point.

Portrait of young man in black hat: Detail, Jan Vermeer [Cat: (05) CAPTURING A LIKENESS 015]

Quick research 02

#capturingalikeness – observation and perception 02

Walking round the National Gallery while thinking about my portrait project, I snapped these close-ups of paintings I liked, selecting them for their range of styles and treatments. Live models would have been used by the artists in all cases, but in some, only as a starting point.

Man in red hat playing flute: Detail, The Concert by Hendrick ter Brugghen [Cat: (05) CAPTURING A LIKENESS 016]